Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Good Blood Work

Had some blood work done last week. Just got word from the doctor's office that all my tests are normal. Normal Lipids, Triglycerides, GGT, Blood Sugar Sex Majik. My family are freaks of nature. We are morbidly obese people with really good blood chemistry.

It's these other crazy diseases that take us out, like pneumonia, cancer, and that bastard CJD.

1 comment:

chattypatra said...

Guess what, Mac? I must be in your family because I'm one of those freaks of nature with the great bloodwork! lol

Which reminds me of the time an endocrinologist almost chewed out his nurse because he was convinced she had handed him the wrong lab results. He couldn't understand why I had no high cholesterol, or high blood pressure, etc. Hee.

It is kind of fun to watch the look on their faces, isn't it?

I'm rooting for you!